Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation
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佛跳墙2025 破解 蓝奏云

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佛跳墙2025 破解 蓝奏云

Front Matter

佛跳墙2025 破解 蓝奏云

In Memoriam: J. Donald Wilson, 1936-2025

佛跳墙2025 破解 蓝奏云

« [L’]utilisateur du bataillon de jeunes Québécois » : le patronat québécois et les institutions universitaires, 1980-2012
Maxime Colleret
Tripwires and Whisky Tenors: Student-Faculty Relationships in Alberta’s Normal Schools During the 1930s
Shawn W. Brackett
“One of the Boys”: Women at the Ontario Veterinary College in the Twentieth Century
Kevin Woodger, Elizabeth A. Stone

佛跳墙2025 破解 蓝奏云

Child Labour, Parental Neglect, School Boards, and Teacher Quality: School Inspector Reports on the Supply and Demand of Schooling in Mid-nineteenth-century Sweden
Germund Larsson, Johannes Westberg
Sputnik’s Children: History of the Major Work Program in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Schools, 1954–1972
Reesa Sorin
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Book Reviews

Denis Simard, Jean-François Cardin et Olivier Lemieux, dir., La pensée éducative et les intellectuels au Québec. La génération 1915-1930
Normand Baillargeon
Claire IsaBelle, dir., Le système scolaire franco-ontarien. D’hier à aujourd’hui pour le plein potentiel des élèves
Jacques Touré
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Katryne Ouellet
Stephen Jackson, Constructing National Identity in Canadian and Australian Classrooms: The Crown of Education
George Buri
Kirsty Robertson, Tear Gas Epiphanies: Protest, Culture, Museums
Carly Ciufo
Michelle Purdy, Transforming the Elite: Black Students and the Desegregation of Private Schools
Ashley Dennis
Jean Barman, Iroquois in the West
Crystal Fraser
Jason Ellis, A Class by Themselves?: The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond
Jane Gaskell
Jane Griffith, Words Have a Past: The English Language, Colonialism, and the Newspapers of Indian Boarding Schools
Scott McLaren
Dawn Wallin and Janice Wallace, eds., Transforming Conversations: Feminism and Education in Canada since 1970
Pamela Rogers
David A. Gamson, The Importance of Being Urban: Designing the Progressive School District, 1890-1940
Campbell F. Scribner
Guidelines for Authors
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We publish articles on every aspect of education, from pre-school to university education, on informal as well as formal education, and on methodological and historiographical issues. We also look forward to articles which reflect the methods and approaches of other disciplines.

Articles are published in English or French, from scholars in universities and elsewhere, from Canadians and non-Canadians, from graduate students, teachers, researchers, archivists and curators of educational museums, and all those who are interested in this field.

La Revue publie des articles portant sur tous les aspects de l'éducation, depuis la maternelle jusqu’à l’université, tant formelle qu'informelle, y compris des réflexions méthodologiques et historiographiques. La Revue est également ouverte aux contributions reflétant les méthodes et les approches propres à d'autres disciplines.

Les articles publiés, en français ou en anglais, sont le fait de scientifiques, universitaires ou non, de Canadiens et de non Canadiens, d’étudiants diplômés, d’enseignants, de chercheurs, d’archivistes, de conservateurs de musées scolaires et, enfin, de tous ceux qui sont intéressés par le domaine de l’histoire de l’éducation.


Purchase a paper copy of the Journal / Achetez un exemplaire papier de la Revue

Readers (individuals and institutions) located outside Canada, can purchase a printed copy of the journal for $25.00 (U.S.), or $50.00 (U.S.) per year for two issues. The cost for those located in Canada is $20.00 per issue or $40.00 annually. Direct all correspondence to Penney Clark, Co-editor, Historical Studies in Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. penney.clark@ubc.ca. 
Les lecteurs (individus et institutions) en dehors du Canada peuvent acheter un exemplaire papier de la Revue pour 25,00 $ (U.S.), ou 50,00 $ (U.S.) pour les deux numéros annuels. Au Canada, le prix sera 20,00 $ par numéro ou 40,00 $ par année. Toute correspondance concernant la Revue doit être adressée à Penney Clark, corédacteur, la Revue d’histoire de l’éducation, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. penney.clark@ubc.ca
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